Emraan Hashmi new release Why cheat India get a slow start on its first day, the question is could it survive in coming days or not. Why Cheat India is a Bollywood crime-drama, written and directed by Soumik Sen. The movie stars Emraan Hashmi and Shreya Dhanwanthary in the lead roles. The movie showcases the corruption going on in our education system right now and sheds light that with money, which is the real king, education can be brought at a price. Emraan Hashmi’s latest film Why Cheat India has failed to win over audience. On the first day, this film earned just Rs 1.71 crore. While the film will pick up a little during the weekend, it needs a miracle just to break even. Why Cheat India has received mixed reviews. The Indian Express film critic Shubhra Gupta called it “disjointed and disappointing”. In her one-and-a-half-star review, she said, “The material is slender and too prolonged over two hours, as it goes from engineering-medicine into management, the Holy Grail...