The series revolves around the experiences of courtesans in the bustling red-light district of Heera Mandi in Lahore during the Indian independence movement against British rule. Its cast includes Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Richa Chadha, Sanjeeda Sheikh, and Sharmin Segal. Heeramandi is a renowned locality and market situated within the historic Walled City of Lahore famously recognized as the city’s red-light district. During the Mughal era, Heeramandi flourished as a vibrant community centred around the Tawaif song and dance culture. However, it transitioned into a red-light district during the period of British colonization. The area's establishment is credited to Hira Singh Dogra, who served as the prime minister of Punjab under the reign of Sher-e-Punjab, Ranjit Singh. Singh envisioned Heeramandi not only as a residence for Tawaifs but also as an economic centre within the Shahi Mohallas at the heart of the city. Consequently, he initiated the dev...
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